Start a new week with friends in 2016, but will not forget what happened in the past. Thus the official Facebook page has decided to give prominence to the public. The #BestFriends was launched recently with five tweets of the week. Foremost is positioned Viviana with a proposal: "Hugs Stefano to all fans of Friends!". The second we find Claudia: "Kledi make me dance with all the professionals?". Giulia instead is in third: "Give me Braga as tutor to address the next exams", followed by Acid: "In Puglia Trulli sell that change colors according to the time as well as the hair of Elodie", and BaellSquad: "The face Alessio to hear the duet of Celentano was like mine at 'Saturday math test' ". Click here for photos and comments.
FRIENDS 2016, ED. 15 ADVANCES AND NEWS: FROM SONG 2 A CARPET OF STRAWBERRIES, THE PLAYLIST LAST AFTERNOON - The songs that competitors of Amici di Maria De Filippi led in the last afternoon of Saturday study are definitely entered the hearts of fans of the talent show thanks to the fantastic voici of their interpreters. They range from Lucky Man and Song 2, both performed by Cristiano What, to the delicate carpet of strawberries sung by Elodie until the determination of La Rua with their unprecedented Saturdays ago as well. On the Facebook page of Amici di Maria De Filippi we are creating a playlist from Spotify with these songs: Click here to listen.
FRIENDS 2016, ED. 15 ADVANCES AND NEWS: JACK JOSHUA BECOMES A CARNIVAL COSTUME afro wig, PHOTOS - It's Carnival is apparently among the many masks if they are seen in various Italian cities there is also a dedicated to Amici di Maria De Filippi. A share on the company's Joshua Jack african american wigs with bangs, why is he to being "transformed" in a carnival costume "Now they have done well my Carnival costumes hahaha @ilgrillo great! Thank you and goodnight!". Dress up as Joshua is not difficult: for the costume in fact serve an Afro wig, a red sweatshirt with the word challenge, blacks pants and a microphone. The disguise also loved the fans of the singer, who responded with more than 100 "likes": Click here to see the photos.
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