Many people believe the hair loss during a cancer treatment would be an aesthetic problem for the affected women and men. Of course, people also want to feel attractive and life-affirming in this difficult situation. But it is about even more. Because with the loss of the hair, the health problem becomes obvious to the public, the affected ones must then constantly explain their environment. A young female patient at Hausleben Leipzig described the radio interview with the MDR as she also lost a protective barrier with her hair.
Matthias Schultheiss knows the problem and knows that many women and men are not concerned about their appearance in this situation. In the Vogtland, he produces high-quality ebony hair fashion wig, the family business he has run since the 1920s. Rather, the loss of hair would lead to a constant explanation. From this point onwards, they are perceived as "sick" in their environment. Dealing with the affected person often changes, which can become an additional burden.
For this reason he advises that a wig should be selected as soon as possible, if it is foreseeable that a therapy will lead to hair loss. The advantage: the wig can be adapted to the hair structure and color as well as to the actual hairstyle. Thus the change to a wig does not occur so easily to the environment.
PS: The newspaper DIE WELT reported a few days ago about the importance of a well-groomed appearance for cancer patients "A small step from the valley of the disease" ...
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