چهارشنبه ۰۶ بهمن ۹۵ ۱۳:۱۷
What few people know: After Johann Christoph Gottsched had once more taken the wig from his head, he decided to write down his rule poetry for the newspaper Debattirey. Although the 1,300-page convict never went into print and the manuscript was stored until the last time in the equipment shed by Günter Grass, most of the feuilletonists are still familiar with the content.
This means that large-scale battles must not slip into anarchistic cacophony, which is why the strict observance of the five-act rule must always be observed. For example, the subject of innovations in the field of machinery is the following: 1. Exposure of the hypes, 2. Increasing the hypes, 3. Criticism of the hypes, 4. Appearance of German data protectionists, 5. Botho Strauß's conclusion. In addition, spokespersons and spokespersons are granted a certain amount of space for affirmation ("Ein Selbstversuch"), but a minimum degree of anthropological skepticism ("What makes us with us?") Remains clearly recognizable. Questions of technology, as any decent humanist knows, must always lead to a basic civil conflict between good and evil.
Against this background one can be relatively satisfied with the current discussion about Pokémon Go. The globally insanely successful game, where the search for monsters such as Glumanda or Pikachu takes place according to the principle of Augmented Reality, has led to fundamental insights into the Conditio humana ("What does it do with us!").
The situation is different in the anglophone space, where, as is well known, it does not shrink from the vile prose of the situation. Under the keyword "Pokénomics" buy human hair wigs online cheap, the app, which now has more users than Tinder or Twitter, is there, from the economic perspective, believe it or not. What few people know: After Johann Christoph Gottsched had once more taken the wig from his head, he decided to write down his rule poetry for the newspaper Debattirey. Although the 1,300-page convict never went into print and the manuscript was stored until the last time in the equipment shed by Günter Grass, most of the feuilletonists are still familiar with the content.
This means that large-scale battles must not slip into anarchistic cacophony, which is why the strict observance of the five-act rule must always be observed. For example, the subject of innovations in the field of machinery is the following: 1. Exposure of the hypes buy human hair wig online, 2. Increasing the hypes, 3. Criticism of the hypes, 4. Appearance of German data protectionists, 5. Botho Strauß's conclusion. In addition, spokespersons and spokespersons are granted a certain amount of space for affirmation ("Ein Selbstversuch"), but a minimum degree of anthropological skepticism ("What makes us with us?") Remains clearly recognizable. Questions of technology, as any decent humanist knows, must always lead to a basic civil conflict between good and evil.

Against this background one can be relatively satisfied with the current discussion about Pokémon Go. The globally insanely successful game, where the search for monsters such as Glumanda or Pikachu takes place according to the principle of Augmented Reality, has led to fundamental insights into the Conditio humana ("What does it do with us!").
The situation is different in the anglophone space, where, as is well known, it does not shrink from the vile prose of the situation. Under the keyword "Pokénomics", the app, which now has more users than Tinder or Twitter, is there, from the economic perspective, believe it or not.